技术规程、标准: [1]公路工程混凝土结构耐久性设计规范(JTG/T 3310-2019),行业标准,2019. [2]超高性能混凝土结构技术规程(CECS),团体标准,2018. [3]绿色建材评价标准-混凝土结构外防护材料(CECS),团体标准,2019. 教研获奖: [1]面向国际化人才培养的土木工程材料课程教学改革与实践,东南大学教学成果奖二等奖,排名第二,2013. [2]开放性、探索性、创新性材料专业实验教学模式的构建与实践,江苏省教学改革项目,排名第一,2013. [3]海绵城市中透水人行道的设计及其试验和评价研究-东南大学优秀本科生团队教改项目,东南大学,排名第三,2018. 教材与专著: [1]现代混凝土的传输行为与耐久性.张云升,刘志勇,余红发,孙国文,耿国庆著. 2018,出版单位:科学出版社. [2]中国古代传统灰浆科学化研究.张云升著. 2015,出版单位:东南大学出版社. [3]超高性能水泥基复合材料.张云升,张文华,刘建忠著, 2014,出版单位:科学出版社. [4] Construction Materials.李宗津,张亚梅,梁坚凝,张云升,陈惠苏, 2014,出版单位:中国建筑工业出版社. 主要科研论文: [1] Wu Meng, Zhang Yunsheng, Jia Yantao, et al. The influence of chemical admixtures on the strength and hydration behavior of lime-basedcomposite cementitious materials[J].Cement and Conceret Composites, 2019, 103:353-364. [2] Wu Meng, Zhang Yunsheng, Jia Yantao, et al. Effects of sodium sulfate on the hydration and properties of lime-based low carbon cementitious materials[J]. Journal of cleaner Production, 2019, 220:677-687. [3] Zhang Yu, Zhang Yunsheng, She Wei, et al. Rheological and harden properties of the high- thixotropy 3D printing concrete[J].Construction and Building Materials,2019,201:278-285. [4] Qian Rusheng, Zhang Yunsheng, Liu Cheng, et al. Quantitative characterization of three- dimensional pore structure in hardened cement paste using X-ray microtomography combined with centrifuge driven metal alloy intrusion[J].Materials Characterization, 2018, 145:277-283. [5] Wu Meng, Zhang Yunsheng, Ji Yongsheng, et al. Reducing environmental impacts and carbon emissions: Study of effects of superfine cement particles on blended cement containing high volume mineral admixtures[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 196:358-369. [6] Yang Yonggan, Zhang Yunsheng, She Wei, et al. In situ observing the erosion process of cement pastes exposed to different sulfate solutions with X-ray computed tomography[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 176:556-565. [7] Pang Bo, Zhang Yunsheng, Liu Guojian, et al. Interface properties of nano-silica modified waterborne epoxy-cement repairing system[J]. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2018, 10 (25):21696-21711. [8] Zhang Yu, Zhang Yunsheng, Liu, Guojian, et al. Fresh properties of a novel 3D printing concrete ink[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 174:263-271. [9] Wu Meng, Zhang Yunsheng, Liu Guojian, et al. Experimental study on the performance of lime-based low carbon cementitious materials[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 168: 780-793. [10] Pang Bo, Zhang Yunsheng, Liu Guojian. Study on the effect of waterborne epoxy resins on the performance and microstructure of cement paste[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 167: 831-845. [11] Liu Guojian, Zhang Yunsheng, Wu Meng, et al. Study of depassivation of carbon steel in simulated concrete pore solution using different equivalent circuits[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 157:357-362. [12] Zhang Yunsheng, Liu Cheng, Liu Zhiyong, et al. Modelling of diffusion behavior of ions in low-density and high-density calcium silicate hydrate[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 155:965-980. [13] Zhang Lihua, Zhang Yunsheng, Liu Chuanbei, et al. Study on microstructure and bond strength of interfacial transition zone between cement paste and high-performance lightweight aggregates prepared from ferrochromium slag[J]. Constrction and Building Materials, 2017, 142:31-41. [14] Yang Lin, Zhang Yunsheng, Yan Yun. Utilization of original phosphogypsum as raw material for the preparation of self-leveling mortar[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 127:204-213. [15] Liu Guojian, Zhang Yunsheng, Ni Ziwei, et al. Corrosion behavior of steel submitted to chloride and sulphate ions in simulated concrete pore solution[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 115: 1-5. [16] Zhang Yunsheng, Zhu Weiwei, Liu Guojian, et al. Effect of superplasticisers on the hydration process, products and microstructure of tricalcium aluminate paste in the presence of gypsum[J]. Advances in Cement Research, 2016, 28(5):298-309. [17] Yang Lin, Zhang Yunsheng, Liu Zhiyong, et al. In-situ tracking of water transport in cement paste using X-ray computed tomography combined with CsCl enhancing[J]. Materials letters, 2015, 160, 381-383. [18] 张王田,张云升,吴志涛,刘乃东,袁涤非.玻璃纤维增强水泥基材料组成优化设计与性能[J].材料导报,2019,33(14):2331-2336. [19] 张文华,张云升,陈振宇.超高性能混凝土抗缩比钻地弹侵彻试验及数值仿真[J].工程力学,2018,35(07):167-175+186. [20] 钱如胜,张云升,张宇,杨永敢.水泥-粉煤灰体系早龄期液相离子浓度与电导率的关系[J].材料导报,2018,32(12):2066-2071. [21] 张云升,张文华,陈振宇.综论超高性能混凝土:设计制备·微观结构·力学与耐久性·工程应用[J].材料导报,2017,31(23):1-16. [22] 张云升,王晓辉,肖建强,杨林.古建水硬性石灰材料的制备与耐久性能[J].建筑材料学报,2018,21(01):143-149. [23] 杨永敢,张云升,佘伟,钱如胜.带初始损伤混凝土受硫酸盐侵蚀劣化的机理分析[J].建筑材料学报,2017,20(05):705-711. [24] 杨永敢,张云升,杨林,毛若卿.高性能混凝土表层硬度与强度的相关性[J].东南大学学报(自然科学版),2016,46(03):599-605. [25] 张云升,张国荣,李司晨.超高性能水泥基复合材料早期自收缩特性研究[J].建筑材料学报,2014,17(01):19-23. [26] 张云升,黄冉,杨永敢,刘国建.杂散电流-盐卤耦合作用下钢筋混凝土腐蚀行为[J].建筑材料学报,2017,20(03):449-455. 授权专利: [1] 张云升,杨永敢.大掺量矿物掺合料混凝土测强曲线的建立方法,发明专利:ZL201500198301.4,2018. [2] 张云升,丁亚九.一种多晶硅废渣资源化处理方法,发明专利:ZL201510019260.8,2016. [3] 张云升,杨林,刘志勇.一种连续追踪水泥基材料水分传输的方法,发明专利:ZL201510617455.2,2017. [4] 张云升,肖建强,张国荣.白色玻化微珠改性保温砌筑砂浆及使用方,发明专利:ZL201510192072.5,2016. [5] 刘志勇,张云升,吕恒林,吴寒.一种可视化表征水泥基材料水分空间分布和含量的方法,发明专利:ZL201410804020.4,2017. [6] 张云升,张文华,李宗津,刘志勇. 高温环境混凝土形成过程中电阻率变化的测量装置与方法,发明专利:ZL201110075412.8,2013. [7] 张文华,张云升. 一种高强、高韧、高抗冲击、高耐磨水泥基复合材料及其浇注方法,发明专利:ZL201410076391.5,2016. [8] 张云升,倪紫威,陈薇.免烧型秸秆-泥渣复合自保温材料及其制备方法,发明专利:ZL201110088097.2,2013. 成果转化及应用: [1]严酷环境下混凝土多因素耐久性设计与提升研究成果转化,在海洋工程、西部盐湖盐渍土、地铁工程等进行了应用,近五年创造了经济效益5000万元,2018. [2]水泥混凝土结构形成过程原位监测装置及方法成果转化,直接合同额12万元,2013. [3]超高性能混凝土抗爆材料成果转化,在多个防护工程和民用工程中应用,2014. [4]预制舱用纤维增强高性能混凝土(GRC)材料设计及舱体制造技术研究成果转化,直接合同额80万元,2017. [5]大掺量废渣绿色低碳水泥基材料研究成果转化,在建筑节能、废渣利用等60多个工程中应用,2018. |